Digitalisation how does it work ?

Explanation of the process from the start to the end.

Posted by Adler Blog on February 20, 2024 | 10 min read
digital transformation and software

Let's assume you have a process in a company which is currently entirely not digital or partially digitalized. Which means phone calls, emails, postal service and maybe some old technologies are used like IBM AS400 for example.

First step: "As IS" process

The consulting company starts with analysing the process AsIs and produces a schema that explains the different interactions between all the concerned parties.

Next is to define the context of the project, it's scope and objectives

Second step: "TO BE" schema

Here we should draw the different processes as workflows that explain how the application should work between the different actors for example if we are talking about an app in a company that manages invoices of its providers the worflow starts from reception of the invoice and should describe all the cases until its payment

Third step: Final architecture schema

Here we should describe: the authentication, the protocols used for requests between the different components : Front End BFF(Backend for frontend) and inner APIs, Databases and others this should include proxies and cloud. The requests are for example HTTPS and JDBC

Fourth step: Security

Defining how we can achieve it and avoid attacks this include authentication, token management, user roles and verifying in the backend that each endpoint can be used with a specific user. Also implementing OWASP principles

Fifth step: Developement

The product should be built following the previous guidelines. A focus on quality and testing should be done, also agility and principles like Definition of done, definition of ready, test driven developement and software craftmanship.